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A Guide to RNA-Seq

About the eBook

RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is a powerful tool to help researchers  reveal novel biological insights into the transcriptome. This free eBook allows you to dive deeper into RNA-Seq by covering the what, why, and how of this popular NGS technique, and offers valuable information to help you achieve the best results for your own RNA-Seq experiment.

Topics Covered

The science behind RNA-Seq

Learn about the anatomy of the transcriptome and information RNA-Seq can provide to help researchers like you achieve novel biological insights.

RNA-Seq Technologies

Discover the most common types of RNA-Seq techniques and platforms to see which is best suited for particular experimental objectives, starting materials, and more.

RNA-Seq Workflows

Gain an in-depth understanding of each of the 5 steps of a typical RNA-Seq project workflow, including design, extraction, library prep, sequencing, and data analysis.

Tips for Experimental Design

Set your project up for success with "10 Questions to Consider When Designing Your RNA-Seq Experiment" (includes resources for bioinformatic data analysis).

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