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GENEWIZ AAV-ITR Sanger Sequencing Tech Note


Reading Through the Inverted Terminal Repeats (ITRs) of Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV): GENEWIZ AAV-ITR Sanger Sequencing Method

The inverted terminal repeat (ITR) regions of adeno-associated virus genomes are important for rAAV production because of their key role in virus replication and encapsidation. These ITRs form highly-stable secondary structures that pose major obstacles for sequence verification using existing technologies. To alleviate this issue GENEWIZ from Azenta has developed a new proprietary Sanger sequencing method that allows qualitative assessment of the integrity of these ITR regions.

Azenta’s proprietary Sanger sequencing protocol is now GLP-compliant.

AAV-ITR Sequencing Azenta GENEWIZ

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