Multiplexing Microbes on the PacBio® Sequel™
Multiplexing Microbes on the PacBio® Sequel™: Feasibility, benefits, and recent developments
To evaluate the multiplexing feasibility and assembly quality, GENEWIZ from Azenta sequenced four E. coli genomes on one PacBio® Sequel™ SMRT cell. This study proves the feasibility of multiplexing and highlights the key advantages of the PacBio Sequel platform as compared to its predecessor, the RSII. Discover the riveting results in this GENEWIZ-exclusive Tech Note.
This tech note discusses:
- The key advantages of the PacBio Sequel platform as compared to the RSII
- The cost and time involved to sequence 16 5Mb genomes by multiplexing on Sequel or non multiplexed sequencing on RSII
- Feasibility, benefits and recent developments